Advanced Communication Skills
Communication skills-:
No doubt your personality is improving, but your personality will be upgraded by the end of this article.
I will discuss a topic that I feel is important for you - communication skills. I have discussed It in the past articles and I will tell you something more about it. You will learn about ' Advance body language '. I will share with you 7 magical secrets where you can take your communion skill to the next level. Let's begin:
- Encourage people to speak-: A lot of people tell me that when we have arguments, the main issue here is that people don't understand each other. The level of understanding is very weak. God has given us a mouth and two ears for a reason and not just for cosmetic purpose. God has made it that way so that we speak less and listen more. Everything has a purpose. What are communication skills? It is the ability to understand what I am listening to. If I am able to understand what other people is trying to tell me, and the other person has understood what I am trying to tell them, then our communication skill is great. I respond accordingly to it. It is a 2-way process. If you want to understand people, then you need to encourage others to tell you about them.
- Types of Questions-: Start asking these 3 questions to others to tell them about themselves. When you are going to ask questions, only then will people respond, and only then will you be able to know and understand them. As we discussed in the previous point, you need to encourage people to talk. People are like a mud pot filled with water. You hit that pot with a stone and water will keep on dripping until it's empty. People love to talk about themselves to others. They just need someone they can talk to. And they like who they can comfortably talk to. It's a fact! If you listen to people, you will be able to understand the person and their thought process. So here are the 3 types of questions: 1. Closed-ended questions - If you can answer a question with only a "yes" or "no" response, then you are answering a closed-ended type of question. Examples of closed-ended questions are: Are you feeling better today? 2. Open-ended questions - Open-ended questions are ones that require more than one-word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, a few sentences, or something longer such as a speech, paragraph, or essay. Here are some examples of open-ended questions: What were the most important wars fought in the history of the United States? What are you planning to buy today at the supermarket? How exactly did the fight between the two of you start? What is your favorite memory from childhood? 3. Guided questions - Guided questions can better be understood in the point below.
- Be genuinely interested in someone you talk to -: A person I recently met just heard the first 2 secrets and though of applying them to get success. Later, I came back and told me that he could not enjoy the conversation much. He asked others for their name and what they do( close-ended question). The person responded " engineering". the third question he asked was about where he lived. This is where he made a mistake. Because this question was not a guided question. The question didn't seem as if the person was generally interested to talk to the other person. The Right method would have been that at my third question. I would have followed it up with from where? , which place?. The third question was in relation to the second. Don't ask questions for the sake of asking questions if you are talking to a girl and she is talking to you about some makeup products. Chances are if you are a boy, you won't make much sense of the conversation and you won't be genuinely interested to talk to the girl.
- Nonverbal -: Nonverbal communication, also called manual language, is the process of sending and receiving messages without using words, either spoken or written. Similar to the way that italicizing emphasizes written language, nonverbal behavior may emphasize parts of a verbal message. Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact (or lack thereof), body language, posture, and other ways people can communicate without using language. When you’re interviewing for a job or participating in a meeting, your nonverbal communication is almost as important as your verbal responses. Crossed arms can seem defensive. Poor posture may appear unprofessional. A downward gaze or avoiding eye contact can detract from you being seen as confident. Employers will evaluate what you do as well as what you say, and you can use your nonverbal communication skills to make the best impression.
- Killing gestures-: Why are we calling it killing? Because these create such a huge impact that it will leave everyone impressed. I will tell you why you can apply these 2 gestures. You won't require the support of PPT once you learn these steps. First is that you will keep your hands in front with the palms facing an upward and move them upward away from each other at a slight angle. the second one will be opposite with palms facing Down moving away from each other at a slight angle.
- Option vs procedure-: if you understand this you will be able to understand people around you, what is an option? For example, I visited one of my relatives they said that I am such a successful motivational speaker, I help people so much, etc. He asked me to help people at home and directed me towards was one of the children at home wouldn't listen to people at home. I agreed to help. I started talking to a 5- 6 yes old child. A guest arrives and my relative instructs the child to ask who is at the door, let her know who is it and only at her confirmation he can open the door and greet them. The child refused. the child thought of himself as a grown-up who could make his own decisions. so what is the solution to this? I asked the child if he would like to greet The Other relative by saying hello or by giving him a kiss. what I did here is that I gave the child an option and the decision making power. he shook his hand hastily. But he did. In the evening some other person came. so I said to him if he would like to shake her hands first or kiss her first. Note here that in the earlier case, I gave the child two options to choose from. But in the second case, I asked him what he would like to do first. meaning both options were to be done but the order was in his hand. Suppose you are into sales, people ask for procedures. most people commit the error of giving options where the procedure is required and vice versa one must identify where the need to give options or procedures to have a successful transaction.
- Just say it-: many people need a teleprompter to say what they have to say. I rely on what I have in my mind. Just say whatever comes to mind. in college, I used to think a lot before speaking and this is where I struggled. if someone has to make others laugh, he will just come up with a joke on the spot and said for maximum impact, rather then think over it in radvance. this is the most important skill it will be developed over time and needs practice.
communication skills are essential and can make it easier to convey your point and to read what others are trying to tell you. Some people seem to come by these skills quite naturally, but anyone can improve their nonverbal skills with practice. I hope 💛 you found what you were looking for. I wish you Happy Learning📚
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