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Best Online Web Development Courses For Web Developers

Best Online Web Development Courses For Web Developers

There are many online courses available for learning web development, some of them are free and some paid. We have put together a list of the best sources of web development courses for you to choose from.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best, free online courses to learn web development using HTML and CSS. If you are new to web development space then you can use these courses to start your journey in the beautiful world of websites.

Few Best Online Web Development Courses For Web Developers-:

  1. Codecademy-: Codecademy offers a series of self-guided tutorials for beginners to learn the basics of web development programming.  An in-browser, self-contained development environment is created where you can learn the basic structures of front-end code like HTML and CSS, before moving on to back-end languages such as Ruby on Rails and Python.
  2. Coursera-: Coursera offers a plethora of online courses from a variety of universities around the world for free.  Each course varies slightly in format and timeline, but numerous courses are available for programming, development, and computer science to get a taste. the course itself is focused on the concepts of general programming that can be applied to virtually all languages you’ll encounter for years to come.
  3. HTML5 Rocks-: While the interface is a bit lackluster and finding relevant articles can be somewhat challenging, the HTML5 Rocks site, that was created by Google, provides a wide assortment of articles and tutorials on all manner of web development topics, with intended audiences ranging from beginners to advanced developers.
  4. The Front End Web Developer Bootcamp (Udemy)-: This course promises to help you to learn all the foundational technologies required for web development. You will learn to make real web applications, browser-based games and work on many more complex topics. The balanced emphasis on the theoretical and practical classes make it easier for new learners to follow along. By the end of the program, you will have a range of experiences to put on your resume and a great set of projects to showcase.
  5. Front-End Web Development Certification (Coursera)-: This course will help you to use React library and Javascript ES6 to build applications. You will get familiar with the various aspects of React components, Flux architecture, Redux among the many topics covered. After the core goal of the program is achieved, you will end the classes with lectures on React animation support and testing. As this is an intermediate level class, therefore, working knowledge of Bootstrap 4, Javascript and related web technologies are required.
  6. HTML and Javascript on W3school-: W3school is the best online source for learning HTML and Javascript. For beginners, it will guide you step by step as you learn how to code - all the way to direct implementation in your project. You can also edit examples and execute the code in a sandbox.
  7. Learn basic HTML and CSS on edX-: At edX, you can learn basic HTML and CSS as well as advanced web development that combines HTML and Javascript. The web development experts from W3C will guide you through building a website. The best part is most of their instructors come from Microsoft.
  8. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, responsive website development on Coursera-: Coursera topics range from basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript to responsive website development and design. It introduces front-end web UI framework and tools- Bootstrap 4, single: page web applications with AngularJS, and more. You can learn everything you want to know about front-end web development from this platform.
  9. Sass Free Course-: This quick 3-hour course by Lawrence Turton will help you figure how Sass is becoming more prominent in web development and how you can use the API and command line for Sass. You will learn to develop projects quicker by implementing SASS, how to install SASS on any Operating System, understand SASS commands and understand basic & advanced SASS APIs.
best free web development courses, tutorials, and training.
I hope 😇 you found what you were looking for. To subscribe to our newsletter if you want to stay updated on the latest trends and courses from the world of web development.

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