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What Skills Are Required For Coding?

What Skills Are Required For Coding?

Some skills are required for coding!

There are some key skills that I believe you need to have if you want to do coding.

Let's talk about the skills required for coding if you are truly passionate about coding then you must need to have several keys skills.
Here we’ll discuss some skills that every coder needs.

  1. Self-reliance-: When you start out coding, it can feel completely overwhelming. Should you focus on the front end or back end? What programming languages should you use? Where to begin? Keeping in mind that the only way to eat an elephant is a bite at a time, pick something and start. There are infinite resources where you can learn to code, but it’s up to you to seek them out and engage with them. There are so many resources where you can learn to code, there will be times where you want to give up, but the more you resist those urges and try and fail on your own, the greater your longterm success.
    You have the greatest influence on where you are, what you know, your capabilities, and how to change all of them. It’s important to have a goal in mind. Why do you want to code? What problem do you want to solve, or what project are you hoping to manifest? self-reliance boils down to the choices you make. You can’t just put in work blindly. The same way you need to have goals the work is aimed towards, you need to choose a path that will bring you towards them, independent of what others have done or left it up to chance.
  2. Language-: It may seem obvious, but in order to write code, you will have to learn at least one programming language. Some resources for beginners include the completely free W3SCHOOL, code academy, and so many platforms, which has helped millions of people begin their coding experience.
    there are some coding languages like HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP.  Anything you want to build on the web will require some knowledge of JavaScript.
  3. Logic-: Were you a master of maths in high school or college? There are some reasons so many people that study math and physics end up as coders. Figuring out what mistake of code led to an issue in a project is partially intuitive, but often an exercise in logic. So how do you build up your logic skills? The way to build logic skills is through conditional thinking, which essentially means, if this, then that.
    For example, let’s say if you climb more than halfway up the mountain, you’ll get a nose bleed. If you stay below the halfway point, you won’t. In programming, this style of thinking is used to test variables against values, and order action based on what conditions are met. It can be understood like this if (condition evaluates to true) then do these things only for ‘True’ else: otherwise do these things only for ‘False’.
  4. Attention to detail-: Many beginners, programmers, and coders don’t go to school to learn their trade. There are so many different ways to measure aptitude for coding, but nothing can substitute the effort a person makes, on their own. It’s one of the few areas in the world where self-taught hard work can lead to a lucrative, highly demanded career. What you won’t need to have learned, or have prerequisite abilities, will be mitigated by how closely you can pay attention to details.
    The way to do this is through the organization. Instead of hammering yourself every time you overlook an important detail, build a game plan from which you can assess, review, recheck and improve your work. Whatever works for you, just make sure you have a system beyond, “I will pay attention to the small stuff.” Scheduling your time leads to more productive, efficient work.
  5. Patience-: Coding is extremely difficult in beginning. Nothing that you’ve read here, or read somewhere else should be interpreted differently. At all stages, but especially when beginning, you should expect to feel extreme frustration. However, your ability to withstand that frustration, and move through it, without letting it discourage you will serve you in all that you do. Look at your frustration as a tool to develop your patience.
    Patience does not come easily to most of us and it's probably harder to be patient. to build patience is through reading, or really any sustained activity that requires focus. The longer you can do one thing, despite the temptation to quit, or go do another, the better your ability to overcome the frustration of coding will be.
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