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Public Speaking Fear, how to overcome the fear of public speaking?

Public Speaking Fear

Public speaking fear-:
If you’re afraid of public speaking, you’re not alone. It’s totally normal to have performance anxiety when giving a speech.
Most people experience some degree of nervousness or anxiety when they give a speech, presentation, or perform on stage.
However, people who suffer from glossophobia may deliberately avoid situations where they would have to speak in public.
The words "public speaking" cause fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, and get your heart pounding? It's likely you have glossophobia means the fear of public speaking.

What is glossophobia?

The average person ranks the fear of public speaking (also known as glossophobia) higher than the fear of death. The truth is, this fear could be hurting your professional and personal life.
Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is remarkably common. In fact, some experts estimate that as much as 70 percent of the population has some level of anxiety regarding public speaking. Of course, many people are able to manage and control the fear. If your fear is significant enough to cause problems in work, school, or in social settings, then it is possible that you suffer from a full-blown phobia.
Glossophobia is a social phobia or social anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders go beyond occasional worrying or nervousness. They cause strong fears that are out of proportion to what you’re experiencing or thinking about.
Anxiety disorders often get worse over time. And they can interfere with your ability to function under some circumstances. It may cause you to avoid situations where you may become the focus of attention. 

Common symptoms of glossophobia-:

  • rapid heartbeat.
  • trembling.
  • sweating.
  • nausea or vomiting.
  • shortness of breath or hyperventilating.
  • dizziness.
  • muscle tension.
  • urge to getaway.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Headaches.
  • Dilated pupils.
how to overcome the fear of public speaking?
there are techniques to help you public speaking fear to overcome. There are even ways to help harness your energy in a positive way.
Overcome your fear of public speaking and boost your business with these tips.

Overcome the fear of public speaking tips-:

  1. Know Your Topic-: The better you understand what you're talking about and the more you care about the topic the less likely you'll make a mistake or get off track. And if you do get lost, you'll be able to recover quickly. Take some time to consider what questions the audience may ask and have your responses ready.
  2. Get Organize-: When you organize all of your thoughts and materials it helps you to become much more relaxed and calm. When you have clear, organized thoughts it can greatly reduce your speaking anxiety because you can better focus on the one thing at hand, giving a great speech.
  3. Practice And Prepare Extensively-: Nothing takes the place of practicing and preparing for your speech. Write out a script of your key points, but don’t read from the script word for word. Prepare for your speech so well that you could answer any possible question thrown at you.
  4. When You’re Preparing, Think About Your Audience-: When we start preparing for a presentation, the mistake we all make is starting with the topic. This immediately gets us inside the details and makes it harder to break down the wall between us and others. Instead, start with the audience. Before diving into the information, ask yourself: Who will be in the room? Why are they there? What do they need? Be specific in your answers. Identify the audience’s needs, both spoken and unspoken, and craft a message that speaks directly to those needs.
  5. Start Small-: If you're new to the world of public speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there. The size of the audience makes no difference. If you know your topic, your pre-speaking fear will quickly evaporate.
I will try to cover this topic on how to overcome the fear of public speaking in detail in the next post.
Finally, it’s easier to be fear-less together. Find people who help you feel that way they are your fear-less squad. Help each other to be prepared, real, vulnerable, present, and generous. Bring out each other’s gifts. We all have something to give speaking is an opportunity to give it. If you like ❤️it share it with others also😇. 

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