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What important things you should know before try coding?

important things you should know before try coding!

I am going to share with you important things you must know before you actually start to learn to code.

When you start learning to code, you don’t want to waste your valuable time. But as a beginner, it is easy to feel confused with everything you need to know. So how can you make the right decisions and that decision will make the journey as smooth, easy, and quick as possible!

Well, you can take advantage of following simple things to make things easier for yourself. In this post, I am sharing time-saving things to know before learning to code. All of them are practical tips you can use them in a right away to make learning less confusing and less frustrating in the long run.

Without wasting time let's start to discuss important things, you should know before you start to learn to code.
  1. Get the basics-: When you start learning, the first thing you need to be sure of is the basics. It is the first step in becoming a coding pro. To get the basics right, We have talked about earlier also there are currently hundreds of online courses aimed at beginners. Clearly, the internet cares about beginners, and provide tons of information. All you need to do is search through them, and start with the one that best fits your requirements. You can get started with any of the online places mentioned in the previous article of ours.
  2. Set goals and targets-: Goal-setting can be a powerful, motivational booster on your path to learning to code. If you are planning, for example, to learn HTML, then set a goal to do a simple project by the end of the week. Once the goal is achieved, set another goal, and repeat the cycle. Yes, it is easy. The goal should be achievable, so don’t try to focus on building big goals at this particular moment. Try to move slowly, and then aim for bigger and more complex projects as you progress further.
  3. Build patience-: If you want to start a career in tech, these are the two you cannot live without Determination and patience.patience can help you become a better problem-solver, and improve your understanding of coding.patience is the key that balances out your ambitions and determination. I mean, having big, ambitious dreams is awesome, yes. But without patience, they will never come true.
  4. Maintain your focus-: It is the most important thing for your success – doesn't lose focus. One lesson you have to learn is that you must stay focused on that goal. Whatever it takes. When you are thinking about learning how to code, you have something that made you interested in the first place. once you gather more information about how to achieve that goal, you have already chosen the right tools to get there.
  5. Do some projects-: By doing some projects, you can understand not only your limitations but also improve your analytical and problem-solving skills. After all, learning to code is not all about learning syntax, but about learning how to solve problems using the tools at your hand.Programming/Coding also requires a creative outlook, and a plan to build something meaningful. For beginners, it is difficult to get access to project ideas. You can gain new ideas from online platforms. You can try to find project ideas by doing some research and other public repositories for the programming language you are learning.
  6. Balance your learning-: As a developer, there is no end to learning and improvement. New technology releases also don’t let developers relax, as they have to constantly upgrade their skills to meet the latest market requirement. As a beginner, you need to always be ready to learn new things. It is okay to not know everything that is out there. Whatever it is that you know, that is okay. As long as you never stop learning new things, you will never go wrong.

Finally, You have made the best decision of your life to learn coding/programming! One of the biggest things you should focus on is to get into a circle or a social platform where you can find like-minded. 
If you have already started? Share your experience with beginners, and help them take on the world of coding.

In the Last Interview with Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder said, “I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”

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